Real life size plastic shopping bag
Craft knife and/or scissors
Straight edge
Hair clips
For each bag cut a strip 2” x 3 ½” from
the non printed area of the shopping bag.
Glue the 2 short edges, overlapping slightly,
together forming a tube. You don not need as
much glue as is shown in the pic. Open the
tube and gently squeeze the seam together
with your fingers to distribute the glue
evenly and to remove the excess. Stand tube
upright until completely dry.
Press tube flat with the seam in the middle.
Make a small fold on each long side, like a
`M'. Us hair clips to hold these in place.
Glue the 2 open edges closed. Make sure
you get glue in the insides of the folds, but
only on the edges. Let this dry completely.
Fold in half the long way. Cut about ½” down
and ¼” across the center fold. Cut about 3/8”
down and 1/8” across through all layers of
the side fold. You will usually have a little
flap where the outside folds were. Just trim
that off. You may also want to trim some off
the bottom and the handle tops if your glue
line is too deep.